Friday, January 11, 2019

another pothole Plotwist: more medical issues

know what I hate? people who don't mean what they say...

I have been fighting a wound on my back on my incision scar from my back surgery since May 2017; it closes 3/4 of the way, then it reopens due to a hyper granulate of scar-tissue or something. The Dr in wound care has tried everything from "packing" it, cauterizing it, going in and taking out what he thought was the problem. He is at a loss, so he asked the orthopedic if he'd see me and he said he would. Well now, when they try to schedule me an appointment, the orthopedist's office says they cant because I have Medicaid when the doctor already said he'd see me! >:( 

So now they suggested, getting my medical records and going into the E.R. at the LSU hospital in Shreveport. The E.R. because the office is backed up for appointments. 

This thing has been a giant pain in the butt, oozing all the time, wearing gauze and paper tape or bandaids, or spray/washing my shirts due to the oozing, only using towels once after bathing which increases washings; plus maybe that's why I am so much achier now. I don't know, but man this crap better be taken care of by my wedding next year. 

In other news, I am being sent to an oncologist (just the word freaks me out because usually they are associated with cancer.) My white count has been high since May 2018 right after the procedure to clean up my wound, and my GP couldn't figure out why. could it be the wound being infected or could I have cancer? I do bloodwork on the 17th. Keep me in prayers, thanks. 

All these medical issues are one reason I am sitting out this semester of college.


  1. I understand completely. It is frustrating. When I first got a wound back in 2007, after my spine surgery I was told it would close. I went to a wound care doctor in Louisiana and in Michigan. It wouldn’t close. I actually had a wound during my wedding. You can see the pictures if you know where to look. I asked the wound clinic to give me a flesh colored bandage, it was kind of skin feeling, I wore for my day. It didn’t weep onto my dress and for one day it didn’t bother me. Months later Lenke did a partial rod removal and cleaned out the wound and closed it up, and well you know what happened after. About 5 years later it was back. I had that wound for almost 3 years, trying to get a doctor to listen and help me before they would take out my rods and give me IV antibiotics.

    It is beyond frustrating and Exhausting. Nobody understands that just taking care of the wound everyday, the clothes, waking up with ooze on bedding, on everything was discouraging and depressing. It didn’t help me feel beautiful that’s for sure. Not being able to get a doctor to do anything made me want to cry. The pain was really really bad, and feeling sick. I’m about 90% sure your counts are high because of your infection. It’s weird because they would say “you are not running a fever so you must not have an infection” but I still did. Hang in there girl. Keep on pushing to find a doctor. Call Lenke, maybe they could get in touch with a different doctor for you, he has clout. Best of luck and if you need someone to talk to, I’m here.

    1. they said that when I had the staff infection, but antibiotics cleared it up after a few days.


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