Monday, February 13, 2023

Superbowl 2023: So tired of Hypocrisy!

 Food for thought:

Let me start this post by saying this: I did not watch the superbowl nor did I watch the halftime performance. I did however see the facebook blowup about it, calling it demonic and inappropriate, etc. People say that about the halftime performance for the last several years…. Let me start by saying this: TV IS NOT YOUR CHILD’s Babysitter! Social Media is not your child’s babysitter! Quit letting these kids watch tv unsuppervised without knowing WHAT THEY ARE WATCHING, stop letting them SURF THE NET UNSUPERVISED!

I get that yall think it’s supposed to be “Family Friendly”, but alot of what yall bring yall kids to: parades, football games, even wedding receptions or family reunions can have “Demonic” influences.

Football Games and Parades: The Cheerleaders and dancers, yall wanna complain about the costumes and dancing of the halftime shows, but have yall seen the Cheerleader and Dancer Uniforms and Dance moves of these HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS? Sometimes even younger kids that are just in dance studios! (Not to mention what they might have to endure by DRUNK or Perverted People at PARADES!)

Also, the show performances most of the time match the music videos? sometimes even the music videos ARE WORSE!

Parades: Most of the people attending parades are either DRUNK or ACTING FOOLISH. People get hurt alot at parades, not to mention the dancing, some people get out of hand and even flash body parts, fights breaking out, etc. but yet they are “Family Friendly”

Look, i get it, you wanna protect your children, but you can’t pick and choose what you gonna complain and call demonic. Satan can use anything to influence and get us on his team, even the “Godly stuff,” because guess what…. Satan is a FALLEN ANGEL- he knows the religious stuff probably way better than most of us, and he knows how to use it and twist it to make us doubt or stray from God’s light.

Either Live the life and talk the talk- only watch religious programming, go to only functions you know will have no negative influences, etc.

which will stunt your children and make them rebel once they on their own, OR …STOP AVOIDING IT, and Talk to your kids! Explain things- that you’d rather them not engage in the behaviors they see, that it isn’t appropriate for their age, etc., but you will always love them, even if they stray from the path.

The only things we can do is have a relationship with God. Teach and uphold values and morals in household, but also be open to talk and answer questions (dont make kids scared to talk to you about things). Teach them about God’s love. We cannot change the craziness of the world, and what we cant fix, we pray because God can do anything. Only through a relationship with God and our conscience/gut will we know whats truly good and right, in our hearts. ❤

Just my thoughts. Anyway Goodnight.🙏🙏🙏

pray and do not be afraid for God is with us always 🙏🙏

When my Bestie visited…Pure Joy! (Feb. 12, 2023)

 The month of January 2023 was definitely a good one aside from the usual pain that I always experience during the cold months; my bestie and her little family (husband and daughter) came in for a month to visit. Her husband is in the service and they are currently in Italy. Her little girl is about 3 years old, and we just found out this week that they are expecting baby #2- hoping for a boy so that the dad wont be in “estrogen hell” lol.

Anyway, we spent 2 visits together while she was in, as they also had to visit between his family and her family. The first visit we took her little girl to Childrens Museum, a place that I enjoyed as a child and still enjoy and constantly look for an excuse to go back. Her little girl had me in fits of laughter, she definitely has her mommy’s personality- she called me a little girl and also had told her mom, “Damie ma fren now mama” lol.

The second time we just hung around the house and played pretend with my old tea party/kitchen stuff from when i was a kid. We also played doctor with “Aves” doctor kit. She kept making us “throw up the icky medicine” she gave us. It was funny.

I enjoyed my visit with them and was sad when they had to leave to go back to Italy and wont see them for a year, but I know a year will fly by rather quickly and next time we will have a new little baby to love on too.

But even still, I miss those old times when my bestie and I were younger in high school or fresh out of high school and being silly and cutting up, but thats life, we grow up and have to adult at times. Even though we are miles apart or dont talk every day, if I need, I know my bestie always has my back, and I will always have her and her family’s ❤ I love her ❤

Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023 (New years)

 As the year 2022 closes and the year 2023 opens, I wanted to go over and recap my year; How I’ve grown and flourished, even though it didn’t really start until May, I have opened myself up to new dreams, possibilities, and opportunities. I have also made many new friends and aquaintences.

Even though I continue to have massive stage fright and social anxiety in large crowds, I have started public speaking and helping out for or at events for 2 really amazing organizations/programs: Guns Down Power Up- Founder Eric Williams, and #The BullyBox A passion Project- Founder Shauna Sias: Through these programs and events, people I’ve met and talked to, have inspired new ideas, passions, inspirations, and possible opportunities to “open doors” to achieve my dreams!

In other news, I also been doing some projects on my cricut- I am still learning new things about it, and if I could just ignore the pain to focus, I could do alot more crafting and creating. It is just so hard to get myself distracted from the pain and focus on crafting. the pain is in the back of my mind nagging when I try to fight through the pain is annoying. I also went to my first Comic con in October and had a blast and now I am hooked! I am going to the next one in March and may even cosplay this time!

My cat, Taz, that I been having since April 2006 – 9th grade- passed away. He was almost 17 years old. We been through alot, me and him. He was still very spry until the last week or 2 of his life. He started hiding out in garage, which he always like the garage, but the day before we decided to go put him down, he was having a hard time laying down and was breathing hard. Turns out he had some kind of respiratory thing, that even if he would’ve been young when he got it and had it been detected early, he still wouldve struggled as it is uncurable. He had a long, healthy, happy life, and now, he is up in Cat-Heaven living in God’s palace. Love you, Taz-a-roo, and will miss you, even though you stressed us at times!

My godchild is getting older and breaking my heart (haha just kidding). I cannot believe he is 14 already. I also cannot believe that David’s oldest niece, “skybaby” is gonna be a teenager in April! I still remember meeting her for the first time when she was still 7! and now she has 2 younger sisters who I also adore like crazy.

My bestie is coming in from Italy sometime this month, I cannot wait to spend time with her! I missed her like crazy. I miss our fun high school shenanigans and craziness, but then she wouldn’t be married to her husband or have her beautiful little girl who I am also crazy about. I cannot wait to spend as much time as we possibly can while she is in.

I cannot wait to see what fantastic adventures God has in store for me in 2023. Here is to good vibes and hoping I continue to discover more about myself and flourish into the person God wants me to be. Only through his grace and will…Amen.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Update: the latest and somewhat greatest in my life. (november 2022)

 Okay, so the last post I did was about Fortitude and public speaking events and such.

well, right before my Guns Down Power Up event, I managed to hurt my ankle- It was so swollen and hurt bad. Not broken though thankfully. The diagnosis eventually was “Soft Tissue Swelling” because i had fell on it when my legs gave out (my disabilities make my legs give out sometimes.) Anyway, I ended up going to the event in my wheelchair and NO SHOES because my ankle was so swollen i couldnt get shoes on. The event went fine, we didn’t have many turn out- but the ones who did seemed to understand my talk. I enjoyed learning more about Eric and his story too.

I also been helping #BullyBox and Ms. Shauna and them with promoting their events, making flyers, making stickers on my cricut for them, going to events I can and talking to the kids about disabilities and bullying. In addition to that, I been helping Eric with Guns Down Power Up program, promoting his events and making flyers for him, as well as helping him edit the book he is writing, stuff like that. Just doing what I can with my limited mobility and pain, to help these 2 amazing programs help with the youth of my hometown that I love and care about so deeply. Aside from that, I also do some creative projects on my cricut- iron on shirts, iron on wallets that mom makes, greeting cards, stuff like that- I am still learning new tricks on the machine. I also enjoy creative writing and occassionally “tweaking”/editing my book about my life with disabilities or writing new poetry (when I don’t have “dry spells” in my creative writing).

In September, I went to St Louis, Missouri, for my yearly spine check up. It was a new doctor as my last doctor moved back to San Diego, *Sad face* (why is it, every 3 years the orthopedics in St Louis decide to move on and that ends up shuffling me down the line to the next doctor to try to solve the medical rubix cube that is my life?). Anyway, this doctor says my rods in my spine look stable, they haven’t moved even though one is broken- it is stabilized by a different rod or some other medical mumbo jumbo i dont understand; Long story short, the rods look fine and I don’t need to go every year now- my next appointment is in 3 years, if no problems arise (and if this doctor doesn’t decide to move also.) I sadly did not have time to visit with my “St Louis Peeps” as they were busy and we were only there for a day.

We sadly did not have time this year to put up our halloween/fall decorations, but definitely will for Christmas. Hopefully we put up my Christmas Village pieces. It brings me so much joy to look at and rearrange. I definitely cannot wait for Mom’s homemade gingerbread cookies! YUM!

Anyway, that is basically it, Pain but trying to push through when I can. I mostly do alot from the computer or my phone. I do try to make events, even if it means begging someone to pack me in my wheelchair and bring me- which I HATE! I miss less pain and being more independent, being able to drive more than I am now. Yes, I am angry and Mad that this is my life now, slowly losing more and more of my independence with each year; having to live on pain medication just to get through the day, insomnia because of pain and not getting comfortable in bed, oh the list could go on and on…. but tis life, I cannot change it, so I might as well just try to accept and adapt..even if its hard!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Fortitude and what it means in my life

 over the last couple of years,

I use the word fortitude a lot. I will tell yall why:

Back in 2017 I had subbed for my mom's CCD class and they were learning about the virtues and the one for that week was fortitude- doing it in fear. It was my first time doing the CCD class by myself so I was nervous- nervous the kids would try to take advantage or not-take me seriously. Which it went fine.

The next day-- I had been on an online dating site and got a message from someone who would now be my fiance. asking to go on a date. Again, I was nervous and scared. But again Mom reminded me of the virtue of fortitude -doing it in fear. (and yes we did go on a date, public - La Hacienda.)

So now anytime I do something outside my comfort zone and I'm nervous as heck--what word rings in my mind. Fortitude. And if it doesn't on its own, Mom is right there to remind me of the word.

The latest thing I have had to do with fortitude is I started public speaking. Now don't get me wrong, there have been times I have had to public speak before learning about fortitude. Even though I was nervous about it, opportunities continually pop up as if it is like God saying "HELLO THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO."

In the past, before learning about fortitude, I would still do the things but I didn't know what "doing it in fear and nervous" was as far as virtues, and after the events I did, I never pursued or looked at public speaking as a career, further.

The first time I ever did any type of public speaking was in college for my Communications class- I made C's because of nerves and read off my cards too much.

The next time was when I was asked to do what's called "familiarity visits" with patients coming into Shriners for Halo traction- while I was in halo traction. Familiarity visits are telling the incoming patient what to expect: pain-wise, the routine during the week, how to do "pin care," etc. That was easy because it was just like chit-chatting with peers; was I still nervous? yes! I worried I'd forget something important to mention or something, but still, I did it.

Another public speaking opportunity while in Shriners hospital during the time I was in halo traction was when the Respiratory Department Director asked the different patients to come to say a few words at the conference about how Shriners Hospital, the Halo traction, and especially the respiratory department affected us and helped us. I was nervous and with no filter, I told everyone there about my first weeks in traction and how I compared the respiratory department director to "Hitler of Respiratory" and the consequences once word had gotten back to her about me saying that! I had the entire room in giggle fits. The director and I may have had a rough start, but now we are best buds, and it's our inside joke now.

In 2013, one summer while my godson was down from Texas, I happened to be wearing a tank top and he saw my scar sticking out from under my straps; he then proceeded to play "20 million questions" and I answered most of them until I got tired of answering and said "okay, that's enough. go play, you're giving nanny a headache!"

In 2015, one of my cousins at 4 years old noticed my spine sticking out during family Christmas eve and he was sitting behind me. I feel him feeling at my spine that was sticking out (The hump) and then suddenly feel him starting to punch it. His mom freaks out "_ Don't hit jamie!" to which baby boy replied tearfully "I'm trying to push her back back in!" So that Christmas, he got the gift of learning about Scoliosis and why "cousin Jamie's back sticks out."

Also in 2015, I "tested the waters" of my comfort zone when LSU-Eunice hosted a talent show, where I read an original poem titled "Don't judge by disabilities" and got a standing ovation as well as many compliments in the halls the following week. I was so proud that I had conquered my stage fright and even placed 3rd, which I don't blame them poetry is nice, but music always wins!

Years passed and in 2021, I was a guest blogger on someone I only know online @Ami Ireland who has a blog "Undercover Superheroes" and talked about my disabilities there and it was posted in May 2021.

Now we are in 2022, and more opportunities have popped up without even really trying to get them. In March, I went to a church function and the CCD director's granddaughter who I taught in kindergarten for VBS had finally noticed my back and how I was shorter than many adults, and she asked questions, so I explained as best I could at a 2nd-grade level and showed her pictures, she was shocked and just hugged me "Miss Jamie I had no idea. I remember you were always smiling for VBS and you spoiled our class!"

Next came when I was talking with Guns down Power up founder and director, Eric Williams. He had mentioned he was in special ed and had mental problems or something and I messaged asking if he minded talking about what disabilities/ why he was in sp-ed. I told him I had physical disabilities, and thus he asked if I minded coming to talk about my disabilities at his program. Which will take place on May 28, 2022, at Opelousas Police Department from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.

From there, I was just talking to another program founder, the founder of BullyBox A passion Project to combat bullying in schools and such, Ms. Shauna Sias and she asked me to go on her and her co-host Nina Irving Williams Podcast/Live TV Livestream thing on Weds nights (Which Mine was April 13- I attached my segment of the show on my Youtube.)

So God keeps giving me Opportunities and in the past, it was just "one and done" but lately they have been more frequent, so maybe it's time to come out of the shadows and do this more. These opportunities could open more doors as I have lots of passions and ideas but don't know who to talk to or how to implement them. Who knows what God has in store around the corner for me?

God is good all the time. Sometimes we got to practice fortitude- doing it in fear!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Life update: Passed my College Class of Leadership Communication!

 I am not sure if I put on here that I was taking an online class for the Fall 2021 semester at UL Lafayette. I decided to take Leadership Communication thinking I would learn how to speak like a leader; Instead it was reading news articles and writing case studies, and learning different leadership styles; which can be helpful too I guess.

I was disappointed at first that it wasn't what I expected, but I still tried my absolute hardest in it. In fact for my first case study, I didn't understand the directions and was overly anxious about it: constantly emailing my professor and asking "is this right? am I on the right track?" Eventually they told me "you are doing fine, stop doubting yourself so much!"

For the end of the semester, we had an extra credit assignment where we studied 2 cases of Hate crimes against People of color (blacks) and against Asians in regards to Covid pandemic. I emailed my professor, asking if I could also include hate crimes against disabilities, they emailed back "While thats a great idea, I'd prefer we stick with the ones I assigned, but thats a great idea to include for my future classes. Thank you for bringing awareness." I felt extra proud in that moment.

I managed to make A's on every assignment. I made an A average through the entire semester! something I had never ever ever done in my history of college (maintain straight A's through the course, sure I had occasional A's in some assignments and my end grade was sometimes A's, but never maintained/constant through the entire course!)

So apparently, I need to go into Communication! LOL. Im just so proud of this accomplishment!  

Monday, October 18, 2021

Life update: Summer Special Needs/Inclusion Camp Proposal Idea

 This is a future endeavor for me once I graduate with my bachelors degree. For as long as I can remember, I have been passionate about special needs and disabilities, probably because It is what I know. At age 11, I started attending a Summer day-camp for special needs called Camp We Can Do. It was a great experience back in the day, but sadly it has become basically "a joke" and not what it once was. However, it has influenced me and was a huge part of what made me into what I am today. I decided to take the things I liked/loved about camp, the things I wanted to change, my ideas I'd often proposed to staff while as a camper, etc. and make it into my own. 

Here is my proposal: 

Intro:  Growing up, I was always self-conscious, even though I had friends in mainstream education, I still felt like an outsider and that my “normal,” friends couldn’t relate to me at times. I didn’t like sleeping away from home and I was overly self-conscious about what I wore or any risks of being mocked/bullied. The answer to my confidence issues was a Special Needs Camp in Lafayette, Louisiana. It was a day camp all summer, called Camp We Can Do.

Camp we Can Do, took children and young adults (ages 5-23) of all special needs. Every day they did some type of arts and crafts, cooking/baking in kitchen, some type of sports, morning exercises/stretches and a walk around the track, a group activity- whether it be playing out in the park area, we would go swimming on Fridays, and bowling on Tuesdays. There would be one “Big Field Trip” to places like NASA, Kemah Boardwalk, NOLA Aquarium/IMAX, etc. Sometimes we’d have small field trips like Candyland cottage sweetshop, the beach in lake Charles, Incredible Pizza/GattiTown when it was around, children’s museum, etc. They would also do at least one or two talent shows where kids could do karaoke, dancing, or whatever. We were encouraged to explore outside of our comfort zones. We were held accountable for our actions despite having disabilities/special needs.

Camp We Can Do was great back in the day, but now it isn’t what it used to be, but has inspired me and was a big part of who I am, that I want to build on the ideas from the Camp and expand into my Own.

I also collaborated with another former camper: Bailey Castille and will include her ideas as well.


               Bailey’s Ideas:

·        Camp all summer long (as soon as school lets out) and during school (after school and on weekends)


·        Frequent Field trips

·        Rotation sign ups (choices like electives)

·        Separate cooking and baking into two separate rotations

·        Life skills- Cooking, shopping, chores, laundry, etc.= independence skills


Joint Ideas:

·        Pet therapy

·        Music therapy

·        Writing therapy

·        Theatre therapy- dancing, acting, film

·        Art therapy- digital or nondigital

·        Crafting therapy

·        Gardening therapy

·        Camper group compatibility= personality questionnaires to avoid cliques and fights

·        Camper input= suggestion boxes, help with shirt design, theme, etc.

·        Girl activities (girl scouts, tea parties, dress up/fashion show, etc.) “girls’ day”/ Boy’s activities “boys’ day” = sports, boy scouts, etc.) ---***Sign up/optional***


·        Reward/incentive program

·        Videos in the finale DVD slideshow

·        Snacks for children who forgot theirs

·        Camp Store= “Camp Bucks” for good behavior/reward incentive, can spend at Camp Store

·        Train older responsible campers to be future staff (Mentor Program) – Will hire future campers or let them volunteer****


·        DIY Craft Day- Choices

·        Weekly Newsletter/Mail for campers and family/ Calendar for month


Camp Field Trip Ideas:

·        Art, history, or science museums

·        Performing theatre shows

·        Avery Island

·        Sea World

·        Build-a-bear

·        Dave and Busters

·        Chuckie E. Cheese

·        Cicci’s pizza

·        Beaches

·        Aquariums

·        Campgrounds- (KOA, Cajun Campground, Poches, Cajun Palms, etc.)

·        Candyland Cottage

·        Children’s Museums

·        Libraries

·        USS KIDD

·        Blue Bayou/ Dixie Landin

·        Kart Ranch

·        NASA

·        KEMAH Boardwalk

·        EPIC Fun Center

·        Surge Entertainment Center

·        Jump Zone

·        Sky Zone

·        NOLA Aquarium/Zoo/Butterfly House/IMAX


o   =====Life Skill trip ideas:

o   Restaurants/bakeries/etc.- (Targils –Cooking classes? Deanos—Pizza cooking demo? Old tyme grocery—po’boy making demo? Etc.)


o   Grocery shopping

o   Shopping= malls, recreational

o   Laundromats

o   The Arc


o   UL Life Tour

o   UL/ LSU/ LSUE/ SLCC/etc. Campus tours



o   DREAMS Foundation


·        Horseback riding

·        Boating/fishing/crabbing

·        4wheeler/ATV riding

·        Pool

·        Bowling

·        Movie Theaters

·        ***Farther trips: St Louis, Mississippi, Arkansas, Disney World, etc.***


School Time Ideas:

·        Fall Bonfire

·        Fall Harvest Fair/carnival

·        Participate in community= parades, downtown markets, etc.

·        Dances (older than 10+) = Mock homecomings, Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Mardi gras balls, (Mock debutant balls type things), Proms


·        Parties (any age) = Halloween, Christmas, new year’s, valentines, Mardi gras, easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, birthdays**


·        Movie day= campers vote on movie to watch either owned or go to theatre.

·        Skating Rink Night or Midnight Bowling

·        Dress up tea party/ Etiquette for girls’ women, or fashion show/makeover---***sign up—optional***


·        Sports Fitness Day or scouts or 4wheelers-mudridding or fishing or something- guys day---****sign up ---optional***


·        Jean day $1

·        Bingo

·        Bible Study

·        Talent Shows

·        Art or cooking/baking or crafting day (can even be woodworking crafts) or gardening


Last Day of Camp/Fun Day ideas:

·        Balloon artist

·        Magician

·        Carnival/fair games

·        Face painting

·        Petting zoo

·        Fun jump

·        Water balloons/sprinklers

·        Ice cream/snow cones

·        BBQ

·        Bonfire with smores?

·        Talent show time

·        Party?


Other ideas:

·        Cool down area for meltdowns

·        Staff to be tested Emotionally and background checks- No drugs/alcohol, no violence charges, no sex crimes


·        Not a daycare- must be potty trained or have an aid/caregiver

·        Have talks involving themes of:

o   Equality

o   Kindness

o   Respect

o   Confidence

o   Self-esteem

o   Anti-bullying

o   Friendship

o   Etc.

·        Include “mainstreamed” (non-special needs) children/young adults?

·        Sleep away camp vs. Day camp? (Maybe make it optional)

·        Bonfires with smores if sleep away camp



What the Camp Offers:

·        Art

·        Crafting (including woodworking, working with recycled materials, etc.)

·        (possibly) Sewing= sewing, crocheting, embroidery, etc.

·        Photo/Film (how to handle cameras, etc.)

·        Cooking

·        Baking

·        Sports and fitness

·        Survival/Scouts

·        Bowling (weekly)

·        Swimming (weekly)

·        Horseback Riding?

·        Boating/Canoeing?

·        Fishing/Crabbing?

·        Creative writing= short stories, poetry, whatever.

·        Dance

·        Fashion (design, sewing, etc.)?

·        Gardening and horticulture

·        Religion/Theology/VBS/bible study

·        Morning exercises/stretches and walk track

·        Weekly talent shows

·        Learning life skills, confidence and how to love yourself, making friendships, etc. ***



·        No profanity (goes for everyone- staff included)

·        Respect all property of the camp (“you destroy it, you pay for it.”)

·        Wear camp shirts on all outings, as well as name tags, and stay with your group/staff

·        Pay ahead of time for trips (will not accept “day of payments”)

·        Treat each other and staff with kindness and respect:

o   Be helpful

o   Be kind

o   Tell if you have a problem (do not handle it yourself)

o   No stealing

o   No fighting

o   No arguing/back talk/disrespect to the staff

o   Tell a staff before you just walk off

o   Follow all directions/instructions

o   Label all your belongings- if not labeled and gets lost or stolen, not responsible.

o   Only time electronics/phones/etc. are allowed: Morning before camp starts, after lunch (quiet time), and Snack time, and Nighttime before bed (if sleep away camp)

Skills/ Life skills taught and offered (whatever able and under supervision):

·        Grocery shopping/ Recreational shopping

·        Sweeping/dusting/vacuuming

·        Making beds

·        Library- getting library card, checking out books, etc.

·        Teach how to take public transportation

·        Social skills?

·        Outdoor work- cutting grass, spraying, weeding, etc.

·        Washing dishes/load dishwasher/putting dishes away

·        Loading laundry washer/dryer, folding, and saving clothes

·        Setting a table

·        Cooking/baking

·        Putting leftovers away in fridge/freezer

·        Reading/writing

·        Writing letters

·        Making routines (to do lists, etc.)

·        How to fundraise/marketing

·        Counting and managing money (budgeting, rolling coins, etc.)


Sayings/ Mottos:

·        Try before saying “I can’t” = “Yes I can!”

·        Life puts pressure, pressure makes you tough= Diamond tough!

·        You are only as limited as you see yourself= don’t put yourself in a box of limitations

·        Life has obstacles, but they can be overcome= just find a different path!

·        Everyone has a different path and journey- don’t try to be like everyone else= being you is Beautiful= Be You tiful!


·        You are a diamond, don’t let the world dim your sparkle and shine

·        You are a star, don’t dim your light

·        You must train hard to be victorious= it is hard, but well worth it!

·        Life is a journey

·        You are from Louisiana. You are proud Cajuns or LSU tigers. In Louisiana, we don’t back down from a challenge, we grab hold of that challenge, wrestle with it until we eventually conquer it!


Fundraising Ideas:

·        Dances/parties

·        Sell plate lunches

·        Garage/yard sales

·        Benefit days (Fundraisers)

·        Go Fund Me/PayPal/etc.

·        Bake sales/Lemonade sales

·        Sales by “campers” (Interact and sale their cooked/baked/created/ or grown items)

·        Community day- set up booths and talk about and ask for donations (have campers help)


Each Camper gets (with admission):

·        Cap/hat

·        Shirt

·        Rubber/jelly bracelet

·        Backpack

·        Tumblr

·        Nametag

·        $5 in “Camp Bucks”


Guest Speaker/Guest ideas:

·        First responders (Police, firemen, ambulance, etc.)

·        Dentists

·        Eric Williams “Guns down,” chess spokesperson

·        Out of state people: Ali McManus, Madelyn Hubbs, Katie Ladlie, Mia Williams, etc.

·        UL Life/ Disability office

·        Librarians to come read to them

·        Famous locals: Drew Brees, Dev. Henderson, Sean Payton, Coach O, Lauren Daigle, Hunter Hayes, John Morgan (Ragin Cajun comedian), etc.


·        Local artists and musicians- Jaxon Meche (music), Eric Gautreaux, Lindy and Matt/One trick pony (Music), Whitney Marks (art), Emily Ortego (Music)


·        Roni Dubroc – about the Baton Rouge thing?

·        Local cooks/bakers/etc. to offer class

·        Girls’ and boys’ clubs?

·        Scouts of America?


Camp Name Ideas:

·        Camp Able

·        Camp Ability

·        Camp Potential

·        Camp Expectation

·        Camp Destination Expectation

·        Camp Equality

·        Camp Inspirations

·        Camp Victory/Victorious

·        Camp Glorious Journey

·        Camp Cajun Crew

·        Camp Conquer!

·        Camp United Hearts

·        Camp Pure Unity

·        Camp Utopia


People to Talk to for input, etc.:

·        Dreams foundation

·        IMPAC

·        Beacon Club (ULL)

·        UL Life program and office of disabilities

·        Dr. Beasley (UL)

·        Lion’s camp

·        ARC

·        Autism Societies

·        Families helping Families

·        LRS?

·        Bambi Polotzola

·        Laci Polotzola

·        Robyn Blackwell

·        State office of disabilities

·        Derrick McBride- One-piece Missing Foundation (Autism)

·        Boys and Girls Clubs

·        United Way

·        Church Camps

·        Dr. Donna wadsworth



Things need to do:

·        Present proposal

·        Community day- go out in community to present my proposal idea, give info about why this would be a great thing, etc. maybe have some special needs kids help…?


·        Find sponsors

·        Find a location

·        Get funding

·        Look at liability insurance, health care, health department assistance (red cross)

·        Look at buses and transportations services


·        Vocational ed. department or vocational tech schools support or assistance Rural health and rural education programs and grants**



·        Figure out budget and admission cost

·        Figure out if going to provide lunch or go to a school (like camp did)

·        Find and hire staff (including health care- nurses, lifeguards, etc.)

·        Figure out lesson plans for weeks/ activities

Things Needed:

·        Game tables (foosball, air hockey, pinball)

·        Art and craft supplies (Crayons, Markers, Paints, Construction Paper, Cardstocks, glitter/glitter glues, hot glue/hot glue sticks, cricut materials, paint brushes, scissors (kid safety scissors and regular scissors), chalk, pom poms, pipe cleaners, color pencils, pencils, pens, paper, jewelry beading and thread, friendship bracelet thread, duct tape/washi tapes, etc.


·        Games (Board Games), sports equipment (balls, bats, gloves, racquets, etc.), jump ropes, bubbles, water balloons, sprinklers, squirt guns, puzzles, etc.


·        Pool toys, goggles, sunscreens, pool noodles, inflations, kickboards, floaties, etc.

·        Snacks (drinks, chips, snack cakes, sandwich fixings, burger/hot dog fixings, brownie mix, cake mixes, jellos, puddings, etc. kitchen stuff, popcorn, stuff for smores, BBQ, ice cream sundae fixings, stuff for homemade ice creams, stuff for homemade snow cones/slushies/popsicles, stuff for popcorn machine (kernels, salt, butter, oil, etc.), etc.)


·        Books to put in our “corner library”

·        Movies/DVDs for “Movie library”

·        Fireworks (especially sparklers and “poppers”/” snappers”)

·        Wood for bonfires, firepit

·        BBQ Pit

·        Hygiene stuff- deodorants, soap, toothpastes/toothbrushes, Listerine, floss, shampoo/conditioners, Kleenex, sanitizers, etc.


·        First aid stuff- Neosporin’s, medications (Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, cough syrup, chloreseptic,) vapor rub, nose sprays, Band-Aids, ice packs, alcohol, peroxides, thermometers, heating pad, massagers, essential oils, etc.


·        Mosquito and bug sprays

·        Gardening supplies (seeds, bulbs, plants, soil, gardening tools and gloves, etc.)

·        Disposable cameras

·        Musical instruments (tambourines, guitars, ukeles, pianos/keyboards, triangles, maracas, dancing ribbons, etc.)

Campers are responsible for bringing:

·        Snacks (will be provided if forgotten)

·        Pillows/blanket for “quiet time” after Lunch (if going to lay down, if not bring book or some type of entertainment to keep quiet)


·        Jackets (in case it is cold inside building), change of clothes for swimming days (towels, sunscreen, clothes, etc.), change of clothes if not fully potty trained, etc.


·        Money (when= pay for trips)

·        Any medication the camper is responsible for taking


CAMP Groups:

·        Green- the youngest group (needs most attention/supervision)- not based just on age, but also how much supervision they require, emotional outbursts, etc.


·        Blue group- Second youngest group (still needs lot of supervision but not as much as green group)


·        Red- Second oldest group- getting ready for the older group, somewhat responsible and have good emotional control (Pink/purple: “Red group” age but need more help/supervision)


·        Yellow group- oldest group -somewhat responsible, “adults” of the campers (Orange: the “yellow group” age but need more help/supervision)

Superbowl 2023: So tired of Hypocrisy!

  Food for thought: Let me start this post by saying this: I did not watch the superbowl nor did I watch the halftime performance. I did how...