Food for thought:
Let me start this post by saying this: I did not watch the superbowl nor did I watch the halftime performance. I did however see the facebook blowup about it, calling it demonic and inappropriate, etc. People say that about the halftime performance for the last several years…. Let me start by saying this: TV IS NOT YOUR CHILD’s Babysitter! Social Media is not your child’s babysitter! Quit letting these kids watch tv unsuppervised without knowing WHAT THEY ARE WATCHING, stop letting them SURF THE NET UNSUPERVISED!
I get that yall think it’s supposed to be “Family Friendly”, but alot of what yall bring yall kids to: parades, football games, even wedding receptions or family reunions can have “Demonic” influences.
Football Games and Parades: The Cheerleaders and dancers, yall wanna complain about the costumes and dancing of the halftime shows, but have yall seen the Cheerleader and Dancer Uniforms and Dance moves of these HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS? Sometimes even younger kids that are just in dance studios! (Not to mention what they might have to endure by DRUNK or Perverted People at PARADES!)
Also, the show performances most of the time match the music videos? sometimes even the music videos ARE WORSE!
Parades: Most of the people attending parades are either DRUNK or ACTING FOOLISH. People get hurt alot at parades, not to mention the dancing, some people get out of hand and even flash body parts, fights breaking out, etc. but yet they are “Family Friendly”
Look, i get it, you wanna protect your children, but you can’t pick and choose what you gonna complain and call demonic. Satan can use anything to influence and get us on his team, even the “Godly stuff,” because guess what…. Satan is a FALLEN ANGEL- he knows the religious stuff probably way better than most of us, and he knows how to use it and twist it to make us doubt or stray from God’s light.
Either Live the life and talk the talk- only watch religious programming, go to only functions you know will have no negative influences, etc.
which will stunt your children and make them rebel once they on their own, OR …STOP AVOIDING IT, and Talk to your kids! Explain things- that you’d rather them not engage in the behaviors they see, that it isn’t appropriate for their age, etc., but you will always love them, even if they stray from the path.
The only things we can do is have a relationship with God. Teach and uphold values and morals in household, but also be open to talk and answer questions (dont make kids scared to talk to you about things). Teach them about God’s love. We cannot change the craziness of the world, and what we cant fix, we pray because God can do anything. Only through a relationship with God and our conscience/gut will we know whats truly good and right, in our hearts.
Just my thoughts. Anyway Goodnight.
pray and do not be afraid for God is with us always