Thursday, August 13, 2020

disability Journey: Thought of the day- Medications and side effects...

 thought of the day...8/10/2020

like for real why do medications cause side effects? Like pain meds help with pain but in the same token, you might end up adding in depression, anxiety, mood swings, agitation,etc. (to which I already have some.)

so it's like I wanna deal with pain and possibly just cry to the point of wanting suicide...or do I take the pain medication and stop the pain, but end up depressed or miserable and still wanting suicide for a different reason other than pain- because of emotional impulses and acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum? hmmm.

oh and then lets not forget when I am on pain meds but not sleeping, I tend to "go down the rabbit hole" and spiral emotionally- like right now, I am convinced I have Borderline Personality Disorder.

guess the saying is true, "Idle time is the devil's playground."

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