Monday, August 5, 2019

Rewrite the stars- Greatest Showman song- relates to my relationship with my fiance'

Last night, I was on my pain meds and as usual the drugs made me a sappy, hormonal, emotional wreck; especially when all they do is make me tired and don't actually help my pain, and as tired as I am, I cannot get comfy enough to actually go to sleep- which causes me to become irritable, frustrated, and emotional. Warning: Below, is how I feel on those kinds of days. You've been warned.

Don't get me wrong, I do absolutely love my fiance' and most of the time I cannot absolutely at all fathom my life without him, but on my really bad pain days when I am cooped up in the house on pain meds and can't stand my own life, I relate to Zendaya's lyrics of the song.

He is so positive and confident about us, and I am like that girl (because of my age difference and looking like a kid, and my disability- the "mountains," and "doors can't walk through") and what the world thinks, and just waiting for him to realize that it is hopeless and impossible for us to truly be happy together. I am always thinking "he didn't sign on for all these issues: Me hurting all the time, me lashing out at him because I am hurting and frustrated; because I'm irritable. How can I expect him to love me when I don't even love myself?"

Maybe he'll teach me a thing or two, or maybe if I have such idle time, pay attention to the negativity. It's a lot of self-esteem issues and idle time, pain meds causing depression, being bullied from a very young age (5 years old)- it's hard to escape the "voices" of my past, but I am working hard on it because I do love him and I know he loves me.

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