Sunday, September 1, 2019

One Mountain conquered, but life dealt me another summit to excavate.. *Latest Update*

People often say "The world is a rainbow of different communities spreading love and good, frolicking with others. There are the ones who are the pessimists who see their world as a never-ending burden of turmoil and misery, and then the type that are the "fakers"- The ones who walk around all jolly and happy and wearing a complete "mask" in public. That is me.

I guess you are probably wondering "what is this going on about? The title says 'One Mountain conquered, but life dealt me another summit to excavate." What I mean by this is, I had my surgery to fix the broken rods and it was a major success, however during that surgery, another issue was discovered; an infection in my rods.
(My newest Xrays)

To combat this infection issue, a pic-line was placed in my left arm while I was at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St Louis, Missouri, and put on antibiotics via IV infusions for 6 weeks and then will be switched to an antibiotic pill indefinitely until the doctor sees fit to get me off said antibiotics.

A week after my surgery, on Aug. 21, I was discharged from the hospital to go back to my home in Louisiana so that Medicaid would cover my IV antibiotics; if not, We would've had to pay out of pocket for the treatments and it was $120 a treatment (6 weeks of treatments, 2 x a day- so $120 a treatment x2 times a day x7 days x 6 weeks = $10080, and then if we stayed in s Louis but not at the hospital (haven house)= $50 a night x 6 weeks at least = $2100..yeah, I think we made the better decision by coming home...LOL)

Now 2 weeks and 4 days post-op, I awoke to my IV tape rolled up, the pic line area exposed (I am thinking that I was scratching in my sleep). When my fiance went to clean it up and re-tape it, he noticed that the pic line was out more than the doctors like, so we rushed to our local E.R., Lady of Lourdes Hospital. Once there, they were swift about getting me to the back; a nurse, however, decided to remove my pic line from my left arm (which was covered in red splotches due to allergic reaction to the tape) instead of leaving it for the specialist to push it back in. Hours later, the specialist showed up and had to re-stick me for a new pic line in my right arm now, when she said that had the nurse previously not removed it, they could've just pushed my other one back in. Now I am back home and my right arm is sore and throbbing because the lidocaine sedative is wearing off and my muscles are aching.

Oh well, I did what I needed to do and I will "grin and bear" this burden I have to deal with for 6 weeks until I can switch to my pill version of antibiotics. I cannot wait for this darn pic line to be out of my arm, but all good things come to those who wait. I will pray for God to grant me patience to deal with it.

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