Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The latest "Twisted Tale" in my journey called life; Surgery coming up fast!!!!

so the latest on my back: I saw dr. Kelly today. He is very optimistic. His plan is if my rods aren't infected (we did labs), he says he will just open the incision scar where my rods are broken at, clean up my wound, and add in some "dominoes" and add in some extender rods." It will be "Simple and sweet," as he put it.  The date is the same, August 14, but I need to be here by the 12th because I need to go to get my central line valve put in on the 13th. If he does what he wants, "Simple and sweet," he doesn't think I will have as many complications like I did last time bc last time I had broken ribs and pneumonia from that which led to trach, blah blah blah...the framework already there, this is just some maintenance repair! LMAO. 
But whatever God's will, will be


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