Sunday, June 2, 2019

Found out more news on my grandmother. :'( Really not good.

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. I know when hospice is called in, it is bad, but this just tore me up to the point where I am now debating whether I even want to go see her before she passes. I was talking to mom earlier today, talking about how if I could, I would have my wedding now so "Mommee" could be there for it, and she told me, "you haven't seen her; she cannot open her eyes or communicate."

I remember when I went to see my other grandma on the day before she died; sedated, unresponsive, eyes closed, her tongue had a greenish pale color to it, I knew she wasn't doing good and had a gut feeling that she wouldn't make it. However, instead of remembering just the good times when she looked happy and healthy, a lot of times, that was the image that haunted me even after her passing. I don't know if I can handle going through that again.

At the same time, I don't want any "regrets." So I am so conflicted right now :( I wish this wasn't happening.

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