Monday, April 22, 2019

who says we don't live in ableist society? *Warning: Rant!*

Who says we don't live in an Ableist Mindset society? Those people are either in guilt or denial or just too blind to see it. Society considers Ableds the norm. Look around:

1.) PreBirth Screenings: what is one of the first things said after the diagnosis. Usually, options to abort the pregnancy. The ones not in prebirth screenings and are later diagnosed: doctors tell parents to institutionalize, medicate to the point some kids are zombies or some therapies like shock therapy or the like.
or what about school- when some with disabilities are segregated off to "special classes" all day away from mainstream "Normal" children, which results in isolation, lack of social skills developing, the "normal" kids aren't exposed to differences which result in teasing and bullying, we are "labeled" and Limited. We get that diagnosis and suddenly people are like "oh how will she be a functional adult citizen when she older?" "She can't work" "probably doesn't have a good mind."

2.) Media- TV, Movies, Magazines, etc.: how many portray disabilities? And the ones that do, are they portrayed by people with the actual disabilities, usually not, usually they hire someone without the disability and put them in great as the movie Wonder was, it was portrayed by an actor without a disability and put into makeup. How many magazines or books feature disabilities? YES There is more than there was back in the olden days, but it's still a minority compared to others.

3.) Accessibility: Yes, they have elevators, but what's one thing always said when a fire breaks out.. Don't use the elevators.. so are the disabled suppose to just sit up in a burning building and wait for help? We need backups- A ramp that goes up or one of those chairs that go along the stairs or something! Look at the Cracks in sidewalks.. some are almost as bad as potholes in the road. Some people in wheelchairs without seatbelts can get "dumped out" due to cracks. Or older buildings that don't have "accessibility." It is 2019, you can apply for grants to get the accessibility.

4.) Bullying/encouraging suicide- those with disabilities get on social media and express themselves on youtube or something like that and get "trolls" and "cyber Bullied" who encourage them to "kill themselves" or "how their families would be better off, " "how we should have been aborted," etc. Stuff alot of us have heard our entire lives. People getting rude to us because we are: Walking slow, not really paying attention and "in their way," drive slower than other people, struggle to drive the hover-carts in the stores, etc.
Whispers behind our backs, teasing to our face, staring at us like we are some sort of "Side-Street Freak Show."

oh and lets not forget how alot of people can abuse the system, but a disabled person stays honest and they can lose benefits by getting married (which should be a basic human right for anyone), trying to work and be functional to the best of their abilities (can't have more than $2000 in the bank or you get knocked off and cant have alot of assets,) just living with my parents, I only got $38 in food stamps. I get more now living in an apartment and having very little money for any fun due to bills and when i am in college- tuition. #AsifLifewasntHardEnoughwithjustDisabilities

So yeah, keep telling yourselves, we don't live in an ableist society. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

#DisabledsNeedaVoice #WeareHumanToo #FuckSocietysStandards

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