Friday, March 22, 2019

medicaid headache

So I have been waiting for orders for a CT scan to be approved for a little over a week, almost 2 weeks through Medicaid. I decided to call to find out what the hold up is.
Took 3 calls back and forth from Medicaid to my GP's office, but I think I finally got it all straightened out.

1st Medicaid person: we need them to do prior authorization. (Total confusion, I hang up and then clear my head and call again to better explain my situation.)

2nd Medicaid person: shows only 1 CT scan and it shows it been approved. They need to call us with the prior authorization # that was sent back to them.

(Okay, simple enough. I call my Gp's office): There was another one that needs to be done and the website shows that one is still pending. I call Medicaid a 3rd time: The 2nd order isn't showing up on their side so I sit on hold while they call the GP's office and try to get this all straightened out.

I Need these CT orders done so I can get my CT sent to Dr. Kelly and figure out a surgery plan to fix my broken rods and get the f off these pain meds.

Waiting and living on pain meds isn't a life!!!! Why does Medicaid and health-related issues (billing, etc.) have to be such a freaking headache????

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