Just the tellings of life through the eyes of a 29 year old, Cajun Louisiana Native with Scoliosis, Kyphosis, EDS(Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), and other medical issues, just trying to get by. :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Monday, October 5, 2020
youtube covers and music
I have always loved music. I may not have a great singing voice or ability to dance good, but play a good song and get me with just family/friends (if people I dont know are around, I WILL NOT PUT MYSELF OUT THERE), I love to have fun. It gets me out of that "poor pitiful me, I hurt all the time," Mood. :)
Family Court corruption cases, CPS corruptions: Stand with Sophie Long, Justice for Chase, Justice for Hazel, Justice for Sloane, etc.
A lot of people may have their own opinions on these issues, but I know for a fact that CPS and Family Courts are corrupt and that a lot of times it isn't for "best interest of the child," but its more a power play of which parent has more power/infleuence/ or money. "Money talks, Criminals walk." I know people believe the "father's rights," and "Parental alienation" etc, but in my heart, I don't feel that children can fake the levels of emotions in these videos. Maybe I am wrong, but I rather be wrong and do my part to prevent another "Gabriel Fernandez" case happening.
In my heart, I think by age 5, children should have a say in who they want to live with. Again, maybe I am wrong.
please check out my video compliations of the cases:
-Stand with Sophie: stand with sophie
-Justice for Hazel: justice for Hazel
-Justice for chase: justice for Chase
-Save Lily's voice: Save Lily's Voice
-Stand with Jae and Leah: stand with Jae and Leah
disability update: St Louis check up appointment
On September 22, 2020, I had my appointment with Dr. M Kelly at CAM Center in St Louis, Missouri. He didn't seem too worried about the broken rod at this time. the rod is broke but it’s still got some support from other rods and such, we not doing anything at this time (if rod gets worse or something, then we’ll see our options. Not really wanting to go back in at this time because the wound I had previously s finally behaved and “quiet.” So he’s like “let the sleeping dog lie,” to which I translated “don’t poke the bear” and he agreed.The “rod pain.” Is not rod bc the broken rod is on other side of my back, but it’s probably “muscles” or nerve pain instead. Which thinking back after my surgery in 2012 I did have similar pain but this round feels worse than last time. Idk. Maybe my fall made it worse..idk. anyway that’s the update.
other than that it was a great visit. I spent over a week (September 20- September 29) at a friend's house; her family tried to convince us to move out there. LOL.
In other news, even though the infection has cleared up in my back, they still want me on infection meds. Also in other news, the rib pain that used to plague me before I had that wound issue start (after 2012 until the wound started,) is back. UGH. wish that would've stayed away.
Still no word from the geneticist about an appointment for my EDS- UGH!
Superbowl 2023: So tired of Hypocrisy!
Food for thought: Let me start this post by saying this: I did not watch the superbowl nor did I watch the halftime performance. I did how...

Ever since I can remember, probably once it really (I mean really) "clicked" in my brain that I was different from everyone else, ...
Just got off the phone with Dr. Kelly's nurse person (dawn). She said that she hasn't gotten the CT CD in her possession yet, despit...
I am already turning into a bridezilla. I am stressing over trying to find a venue that doesn't have a capacity limit of 300 or less peo...