Just the tellings of life through the eyes of a 29 year old, Cajun Louisiana Native with Scoliosis, Kyphosis, EDS(Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), and other medical issues, just trying to get by. :)
its officially December and I am not in the Christmas spirit like usual. Usually, I would be going all out in decorations and such, but not this year- maybe lights and that's it. Due to moving in Jan. We don't want to have to haul extra stuff than what is needed. Plus it will be the first Christmas without Mommie, Mr. Mike James, my cousin Racheal Mary Meche, Ms. Nancy Moticka...too much death in one year; not to mention all the other people I care about who aren't around anymore either- My other grandmother (maw), and then one of the most influential women in my life, Mrs. Evelyn Zehner, "Mrs. Z" from Camp we can do. Its just so hard...I know there are worse people off, but for some reason I just cannot get into the spirit yet this year. Is it because of not decorating much this year, the financial stresses and having to ask mom to loan money for us to buy Christmas gifts until David can find a job? I don't know. Just tired of always being miserable. I can't remember the last time I was sincerely happy for more than a few hours.
:'( I don't know, I just been depressed all day today. Hopefully, I can get out of this funk. Prayers appreciated. I hate it when I get depression.