Just the tellings of life through the eyes of a 29 year old, Cajun Louisiana Native with Scoliosis, Kyphosis, EDS(Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), and other medical issues, just trying to get by. :)
Sunday, June 30, 2019
A pretty great Sunday :)
I woke up with a minor migraine, but no level 10 pain today in my back- could've been that I knew Mom was bringing my sweet Beignet (my mixed-breed rescue dog) for a visit; ever since finding out about my broken rods, she's been living with Mom due to my not being able to hold her leash for walks. Mom dropped her off around 10:30 a.m. (Mom went to Mass).
Mom came back from Mass at about Noon and asked what David and I were doing for lunch. I said, "we have leftovers, but it didn't sit well on my stomach." Mom asked "what do you want to do," to which I replied, "I know I always say it's blasphemy to have Deano's pizza without Dad, but..." Mom laughed and replied, "but you want it?" To which I nodded my head. She got a giant 3-type pizza like we normally do and it was delicious! She then left to go get things from my Uncle and Aunt's house and was going to come back afterward to pick Beignet up to go home (She came back at around 4ish.)
I got to spend about half the day with my sweet Beignet :) We snuggled, practiced some commands, played with her toys, all 3 of us took a walk (David, Beignet, and I- David held the leash). Was a great visit with her, and I was ready to see her off at 4ish because I wanted a nap (didn't want her to leave, but I knew she was gonna leave anyway- so I wanted to treasure the time I had with her).
While Beignet was here, I had very minimal pain, but it must've been a distraction or something because a half hour after she left, I had to take my pain medication because it hurt really bad again. *Sigh*
At least half of my day was good and sunshiny, that is better than nothing at all :)
Friday, June 28, 2019
a nice morning surprise; despite Chronic Pain
I awoke this morning to find a bunch of attachments from my fiance' family; it was of "Baby J-Bird" (Josephine) - my fiance' 9-month-old niece, playing with her new build-a-bear (Giggles) we did with them yesterday. She absolutely loves and adores it. Despite my chronic pain and need for relief and pain MEDs, and despite my Wound bleeding badly and acting up again, but that is Life and can't do much about it.
Serenity( my fiance's 9 year old niece) doing her build-a-bear Siamese Cat that she named Melody.
In other news, I finally got my "official" engagement ring. We had one, but it wasn't my official one that had my initials on the inside of it. Finally got it today :) #SoHappy
Thursday, June 27, 2019
anxiety, tears, adorable kids, and pizza; My "Today"
Today was not great of a day except for one little event during the middle of the day. I had gotten a ticket from Build-a-bear for the "Pay your age," event and was able to take my "future nieces" (older one being 9 years old and the baby, 9 months.) However, earlier that day was not great.
It started by my 9-year-old "future niece," going to get the mail at my apartment mailbox; I got a letter from St Louis billing department saying that I was "denied," hardship assistance and didn't meet the national poverty requirement (how is not having health insurance besides Louisiana Medicaid, and only living on SSI and food stamps, not poverty?) - side note: called and talked to someone and got it straightened out, after I had already had my anxiety panic attack because "I need this surgery but I don't wanna go into debt and cause my family and friends to go into debt for it." However, I had to put that anxiety attack away to go enjoy the build-a-bear event with my fiance', his sister, her husband, and the two children.
The older sister got a "Siamese looking" cat that she named Melody and their mom picked out an adorable bear and put in a "giggle sound," that made my 9-month-old "future niece," smile at; we named the bear Giggles. We probably spent more than we wanted to- because if we'd done just the stuffies with no sounds or accessories, it'd have only been $10, but we got each a sound (Melody had a cat sound and the Giggles had the giggle sound effect) so add in $9 more dollars, and then each got one accessory- the cat got a purse, and I don't remember what the baby got for hers.) The total was $31 something, so $31-$19= the two accessories costing $12 together so about $5 or $6 each. We covered about $10-15 each. It was worth it. I got to forget my anxiety and play with my "future nieces" especially the cute baby. LOL. I love them both, but adorable babies (when not crying and screaming) seem to make the world go right and make you forget your stress, whereas an older child who may not be able to entertain herself that well, may stress you more.)
After Build-a-bear, we went to eat at Cici's pizza buffet. It was okay. I watched them feed the baby pieces of brownie and how she made that adorable smile at the taste of the chocolatey goodness, and my 9-year-old "future niece," wanted me to sit by her. She tells me all the time she loves me, she constantly hugs me and wants my attention. She doesn't seek that from her uncle; she's even gone as far as to tell the family, "If DJ and Jamie break up, can we keep Jamie instead?" to which the family always corrects her, "aunty Jamie," and I'm just thinking "don't force her to call me something if it doesn't feel natural to her. she doesn't call DJ, "Uncle DJ," LOL.
After Cici's pizza buffet, we departed ways; they were going see a Movie at the theater where my fiance' brother in law worked at; I think it was only so the 9-year-old wouldn't beg to stay longer with me and her uncle at the apartment complex, because at the Build-a-bear thing, when we were leaving, she kept saying, "I wish I didn't have to go home. I wanna stay longer with yall." Which broke my heart having to be stern and tell her "no," because she needed to get back and do her Homeschool SchoolWork and plus I didn't feel that I could entertain her properly: I was still stressing about that letter, in the back of my mind. I told her, we'd try to get her again before I have my surgery in August.
When I got home, I finally had gotten in touch with someone in billing to discuss the letter about being "denied," financial assistance. They explained that despite it being out of state Medicaid, they were still going to try to file with them, so currently, my balance showed $0.00. The department explained that if Medicaid denies the claim and if I get another bill, just to call them back and explain how I got another bill, and to reprocess my application for financial assistance. So all that anxiety and worry and my panic attack, were basically for nothing because I am not completely "denied," just denied if Medicaid accepts the claim. I hate how they word the letters, it makes worry creep in. Mom said it was a lesson I need to learn because if I want a family, I can't be freaking out like that all the time. She also explained how I am not alone in this "battle," for my obstacles and stuff with my disabilities, I have family, friends, David, his family, etc. But overall that it is the devil playing with me and doesn't want me to trust in God my father and savior. I need to tell him, "be gone, Satan. My God, my father, loves me and I am wonderfully made for a purpose. He has led me this far for a reason." I will try to do better to trust in my God and savior, my loving father, my almighty creator. Amen.
Also when I got home, it started raining so of course, my back started hurting, so I took a 3-hour nap on Pain meds. After waking up, my stomach decided to reject the pizza (I am guessing it was the pizza: my abdomen was swollen, I was bloated and cramping so bad that it sent pain into my sides, my sides of my abdomen were sensitive to touch, and the really bad cramps left me short of breath. It is slowly getting relief after Tums and Pepto Bismol and just time.
Sometimes I wish my life was easy, but God never promised an easy life- Thank you, Adam and Eve, for original sin messing everything up; if they wouldn't have given in to the serpent's temptations, we'd all be happy and carefree, running around butt- naked in the Garden of Eden and not knowing any pain or difference. No bullying, no stress, no strife. *Sigh* Paradise lost. However, we are not alone, Jesus, God's only son, had to die on the cross for crimes he didn't commit. He suffered, why should we be any better than him and not have to suffer? the answer is, we shouldn't. Anyway, I am rambling now. Goodnight, God Bless, and try to find the silver lining :)
It started by my 9-year-old "future niece," going to get the mail at my apartment mailbox; I got a letter from St Louis billing department saying that I was "denied," hardship assistance and didn't meet the national poverty requirement (how is not having health insurance besides Louisiana Medicaid, and only living on SSI and food stamps, not poverty?) - side note: called and talked to someone and got it straightened out, after I had already had my anxiety panic attack because "I need this surgery but I don't wanna go into debt and cause my family and friends to go into debt for it." However, I had to put that anxiety attack away to go enjoy the build-a-bear event with my fiance', his sister, her husband, and the two children.
The older sister got a "Siamese looking" cat that she named Melody and their mom picked out an adorable bear and put in a "giggle sound," that made my 9-month-old "future niece," smile at; we named the bear Giggles. We probably spent more than we wanted to- because if we'd done just the stuffies with no sounds or accessories, it'd have only been $10, but we got each a sound (Melody had a cat sound and the Giggles had the giggle sound effect) so add in $9 more dollars, and then each got one accessory- the cat got a purse, and I don't remember what the baby got for hers.) The total was $31 something, so $31-$19= the two accessories costing $12 together so about $5 or $6 each. We covered about $10-15 each. It was worth it. I got to forget my anxiety and play with my "future nieces" especially the cute baby. LOL. I love them both, but adorable babies (when not crying and screaming) seem to make the world go right and make you forget your stress, whereas an older child who may not be able to entertain herself that well, may stress you more.)
After Build-a-bear, we went to eat at Cici's pizza buffet. It was okay. I watched them feed the baby pieces of brownie and how she made that adorable smile at the taste of the chocolatey goodness, and my 9-year-old "future niece," wanted me to sit by her. She tells me all the time she loves me, she constantly hugs me and wants my attention. She doesn't seek that from her uncle; she's even gone as far as to tell the family, "If DJ and Jamie break up, can we keep Jamie instead?" to which the family always corrects her, "aunty Jamie," and I'm just thinking "don't force her to call me something if it doesn't feel natural to her. she doesn't call DJ, "Uncle DJ," LOL.
After Cici's pizza buffet, we departed ways; they were going see a Movie at the theater where my fiance' brother in law worked at; I think it was only so the 9-year-old wouldn't beg to stay longer with me and her uncle at the apartment complex, because at the Build-a-bear thing, when we were leaving, she kept saying, "I wish I didn't have to go home. I wanna stay longer with yall." Which broke my heart having to be stern and tell her "no," because she needed to get back and do her Homeschool SchoolWork and plus I didn't feel that I could entertain her properly: I was still stressing about that letter, in the back of my mind. I told her, we'd try to get her again before I have my surgery in August.
When I got home, I finally had gotten in touch with someone in billing to discuss the letter about being "denied," financial assistance. They explained that despite it being out of state Medicaid, they were still going to try to file with them, so currently, my balance showed $0.00. The department explained that if Medicaid denies the claim and if I get another bill, just to call them back and explain how I got another bill, and to reprocess my application for financial assistance. So all that anxiety and worry and my panic attack, were basically for nothing because I am not completely "denied," just denied if Medicaid accepts the claim. I hate how they word the letters, it makes worry creep in. Mom said it was a lesson I need to learn because if I want a family, I can't be freaking out like that all the time. She also explained how I am not alone in this "battle," for my obstacles and stuff with my disabilities, I have family, friends, David, his family, etc. But overall that it is the devil playing with me and doesn't want me to trust in God my father and savior. I need to tell him, "be gone, Satan. My God, my father, loves me and I am wonderfully made for a purpose. He has led me this far for a reason." I will try to do better to trust in my God and savior, my loving father, my almighty creator. Amen.
Also when I got home, it started raining so of course, my back started hurting, so I took a 3-hour nap on Pain meds. After waking up, my stomach decided to reject the pizza (I am guessing it was the pizza: my abdomen was swollen, I was bloated and cramping so bad that it sent pain into my sides, my sides of my abdomen were sensitive to touch, and the really bad cramps left me short of breath. It is slowly getting relief after Tums and Pepto Bismol and just time.
Sometimes I wish my life was easy, but God never promised an easy life- Thank you, Adam and Eve, for original sin messing everything up; if they wouldn't have given in to the serpent's temptations, we'd all be happy and carefree, running around butt- naked in the Garden of Eden and not knowing any pain or difference. No bullying, no stress, no strife. *Sigh* Paradise lost. However, we are not alone, Jesus, God's only son, had to die on the cross for crimes he didn't commit. He suffered, why should we be any better than him and not have to suffer? the answer is, we shouldn't. Anyway, I am rambling now. Goodnight, God Bless, and try to find the silver lining :)
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Medical Headache, incompetence, and idiotic rules
As you all are aware by now, yesterday I went to Vidalia for a pain management appointment and found out that I have Osteoporosis forming. Today, I called my Surgeon in St Louis, Missouri, to find out if it would affect my surgery.
Missouri office: Can they fax it to the results to us?
Me: I'll call and ask.
Vidalia office: we need a release, however, we can send the results to your referring doctor.
Me: Okay.
Referring Dr office: Oh, we can't fax other doctors' records.
*Facepalms* This is why the medical field and disabilities suck. Can't get help, what so ever. You are a freaking Dr. Office, do your job!
I called the St Louis office back and explained the situation and they are going to call Vidalia and see if there is something they can do.
Missouri office: Can they fax it to the results to us?
Me: I'll call and ask.
Vidalia office: we need a release, however, we can send the results to your referring doctor.
Me: Okay.
Referring Dr office: Oh, we can't fax other doctors' records.
*Facepalms* This is why the medical field and disabilities suck. Can't get help, what so ever. You are a freaking Dr. Office, do your job!
I called the St Louis office back and explained the situation and they are going to call Vidalia and see if there is something they can do.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Latest "Twist" in my life- Developing Osteoporosis
Today I had my monthly appointment with pain management doctor in Vidalia, Louisiana. At my last appointment, they did a bone density test; today they went over the results and it turns out I am developing Osteoporosis. They did not say where it was developing and I was too in shock to ask. I have it written down for next month's appointment. The doctors are starting me on Fosamax to increase my bone density and hopefully help to where I am not as "brittle" for surgery time in August.
In other news, we have my fiance's niece for a couple days at the apartment. :) she is always a pretty good distraction for my pain. Tonight, we made tacos for supper :) Another good bit of news is my fiance and I will start praying the rosary together every night and gonna start going back to church on sundays #RelationshipsWithGodlastLonger :)
In other news, we have my fiance's niece for a couple days at the apartment. :) she is always a pretty good distraction for my pain. Tonight, we made tacos for supper :) Another good bit of news is my fiance and I will start praying the rosary together every night and gonna start going back to church on sundays #RelationshipsWithGodlastLonger :)
Monday, June 24, 2019
Please Help! Go Fund Me
Much appreciated, Thank you!!!
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Passion for cooking: today's meals
We had nothing left in the fridge and around noon I started to get hungry. I quickly seasoned up some chicken breasts and cut them into bite size pieces, put some oil in the skillet and grilled/sauteed some chicken despite already having planned a meal for supper with chicken- Baked Chicken Parmesan. Oh well. David didn't complain and both meals came out good. I'll probably defrost some ground meat to make tacos Tuesday night.
Now, my joints ache and everything hurts, not just from being on my feet cooking, but also we have some rain predicted for later and that affects my body as well. Just another average day in my life.
Now, my joints ache and everything hurts, not just from being on my feet cooking, but also we have some rain predicted for later and that affects my body as well. Just another average day in my life.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
passion for cooking, back pain, Life with Scoliosis and Chronic pain
Being a "Cajun" girl from central Louisiana, I have a passion for cooking, but sadly I cannot do it often because due to Chronic pain, I cannot stay on my feet long or I suffer extreme chronic back pain afterward.
Today, I was tired of using mycrockpot or "baking" meals and David has been cooking for the last few months. I remembered I enjoyed chicken in a mango chutney but the recipe I had eaten last time was with stir-fry and I don't know how to do stir fry (and don't have a wok anyway,) so I improvised and made it into a gravy.
Today, I was tired of using my
The first thing I did was cut the chicken breast into bite size pieces and seasoned/marinated them in a mixture of Savory, Tony Chachere's, Cayenne pepper, White pepper, black pepper, Old Bay Seasoning, ground mustard and liquid mustard (Dijon), some squirt of honey, some brown sugar, a tiny little "spill" of cola-soda, and some minced garlic.
Next, I browned the chicken on the stove. While the chicken was browning, I cut up onions and green bell pepper. Once the chicken was browned, I added in onions, green bell pepper, and some roasted red bell pepper that I had in the fridge, and let it all simmer together.
Once the onions and bell pepper was softened in with the browned chicken, I added in the mango chutney and let it all simmer together to form a thick gravy; however, it wasn't thickening to how I wanted, so I added in a little pinch of flour.
I followed no recipe. I never follow a recipe. When I feel something would be good in a dish, I just follow my gut instincts. It is like I have a "sixth sense" for cooking. I enjoy it and it relaxes me. To me it is an artistic expression, however, I sure could do without the back aching afterward from being on my feet so long. It's a whole pain pill kind of night, but the meal was so worth it.
Next, I browned the chicken on the stove. While the chicken was browning, I cut up onions and green bell pepper. Once the chicken was browned, I added in onions, green bell pepper, and some roasted red bell pepper that I had in the fridge, and let it all simmer together.
Once the onions and bell pepper was softened in with the browned chicken, I added in the mango chutney and let it all simmer together to form a thick gravy; however, it wasn't thickening to how I wanted, so I added in a little pinch of flour.
I followed no recipe. I never follow a recipe. When I feel something would be good in a dish, I just follow my gut instincts. It is like I have a "sixth sense" for cooking. I enjoy it and it relaxes me. To me it is an artistic expression, however, I sure could do without the back aching afterward from being on my feet so long. It's a whole pain pill kind of night, but the meal was so worth it.
one of those days...Update on A/c Leak.
Maintenance came out to fix the A/c issue, but the water soaked some of the bedroom carpets and even into the closet on David's side. The maintenance people had us move stuff out of David's side of the closet, and are gonna blow-dry the carpet and spray some type of chemical to prevent molding.
I don't know what God is trying to tell us/teach us, but, I could've really done without the moving stuff around workout today when I was already hurting, but oh well, That is life. It isn't always as we expect/plan.
I hope and pray that they are able to fix it to the point of no molding, and we are able to get our deposit back when we move out of the apartments.
I don't know what God is trying to tell us/teach us, but, I could've really done without the moving stuff around workout today when I was already hurting, but oh well, That is life. It isn't always as we expect/plan.
I hope and pray that they are able to fix it to the point of no molding, and we are able to get our deposit back when we move out of the apartments.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
A/c leaking - apartment issues
My fiance arrived home from work around 9 p.m. and told me that our carpet entrance to the bedroom was completely saturated. No matter how many times we tried soaking it up with the towel, time passes and it doesn't dry up, seems like it keeps getting wet. We called the maintenance's emergency number around 12:20 a.m. And left a message.
It is like completely soaked. Hopefully, we won't lose our deposit check when we do move out and hopefully, it won't be too hard of a job if they have to replace the carpet. UGH.
Middle of summer and gonna have to sleep with just the bedroom fan on, No A/C. Gonna sweat our brains out. JOYY! NOT!
It is like completely soaked. Hopefully, we won't lose our deposit check when we do move out and hopefully, it won't be too hard of a job if they have to replace the carpet. UGH.
Middle of summer and gonna have to sleep with just the bedroom fan on, No A/C. Gonna sweat our brains out. JOYY! NOT!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Pain and food cravings
Back pain= cravings for sweets and cola drinks,
Migraines= cravings for salty foods (cucumbers&tomatoes with lots of salt and ranch dressing, Carrots and ranch dressing, popcorn with lots of butter and salt, baked french fries with lots of salt/Tony Chachere seasonings, or some homemade fried chicken..)
Why can I not crave a balanced, healthy diet where I don't go to extremes on either side. Where I'm eating just fruits and veggies or eating just junk... Why can't I crave a meal that incorporates all food groups and varies each day? LMAO... My body is Cray-Cray.
I also need to come up with new recipes to cook/have David cook; I am tired of eating the same old things.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Chocolate Cake for Breakfast and Chronic Pain
Just ate #ChocolateCake for #Breakfast. Now I feel sick. Sugar distracts my #ChronicPain so I can go longer without #PainMeds but its not healthy and I have a risk for #Diabetes since my #Grandmother had it. Hopefully I don't develop it before I have back surgery to fix my rods and my #ChronicPain.
I am tired of living a life of decisions; painmeds or risking diabetes, Fun and going out or cabin fever and bed but no pain, etc. It isn't much of a life. Soon, Jamie, Soon!
I am tired of living a life of decisions; pain
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
so disgusted and embarrassed by this! Boycotting my little pony? its 2019..ugh
So a lot of People have no issues with Disney movies or children's programming promoting heterosexual "need a man/prince," mentality, but as soon as something airs with homosexual relations, everyone that is crazy traditional religious is all up in arms and "grab your pitchforks and torches, burn the blasphemers." It's 2019 people, there should be no more homophobia, transphobia, disability-phobia, dwarf-phobia, racism, sexist ideas, or any of that stuff. The old testament was before Jesus' time, the new testament was around Jesus teachings but actually written by "followers" of Jesus. Who knows, they could have thrown in their own views or maybe when it was translated from Hebrew or whatever language, something got "lost in translation." I mean, think about it, Jesus hung out with the sinners, prostitutes, the "scum of the scum," as people viewed them. He taught love and acceptance. Not trying to change their ways by saying "You're GOING TO HELL!" he did it through love, he made them want to turn from their sins, not try to force it.
Today there was an article on WAFB Channel 9 about a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episode that featured the character, Scootaloo, being looked after by her same-sex couple aunts; Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty. First, it was Arthur about Mr. Ratburn and a gay wedding, and now this. People were all pissed about both "It isn't appropriate for children," "Protect our children," "Satan's agenda," blah blah blah.
I may have been brought up Catholic all my life, and I still love my religion, faith, and God almighty, but the organization has its own faults .. *Cough* *Cough* Pedo Priests getting frisky with the altar boys or whatever. We are all human, we all have faults, we all sin.
But the media are doing things like this to try to berelatable and give representation to minorities and their families: Homosexuals( The child or the parents), bi-racial (parents or child), single-parent households, being raised by someone other than parents (Grandparents/uncles/aunts/cousins, adopted, orphaned, fostered, etc.), transsexuals (parents or child), those with disabilities. With more representation and showing that these people aren't weirdos or "freaks," and that they are just like everyone else and shouldn't be targeted, harassed, bullied, etc. over stuff they can't control.
Since a lot of parents tend to shove their ideas and beliefs down their children's throats, and not teach their kids to not be little assholes, its up to society to also push in some compassion and empathy because there are many walks of life and no one should be bullied to the point of trauma, depression, homicide, or suicide.
Today there was an article on WAFB Channel 9 about a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episode that featured the character, Scootaloo, being looked after by her same-sex couple aunts; Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty. First, it was Arthur about Mr. Ratburn and a gay wedding, and now this. People were all pissed about both "It isn't appropriate for children," "Protect our children," "Satan's agenda," blah blah blah.
I may have been brought up Catholic all my life, and I still love my religion, faith, and God almighty, but the organization has its own faults
But the media are doing things like this to try to be
Since a lot of parents tend to shove their ideas and beliefs down their children's throats, and not teach their kids to not be little assholes, its up to society to also push in some compassion and empathy because there are many walks of life and no one should be bullied to the point of trauma, depression, homicide, or suicide.
The Funeral. Sad day
I was able to read my "writing" I did for Mommie on the day I found out she died, today; however, toward the ending, I got choked up, and quickly finished, and ran out the room before the water-works started. I had a huge knot in my stomach all day and could barely eat: I forced myself to eat a little bit though to just not get sick.
At the church, Mom wrote and read a beautiful eulogy- I know where I got my writing talent from. It described my Mommie perfectly. It was at the same church and cemetery myPoppee - grandpa is buried.
In happier news, David and I like the church for our wedding next year (if all goes well with my surgery and recovery). Today was a hardmemory in that church, time to add in a happy one :) Plus, this way, Mommee and Poppee's spirit don't have to travel too far to be in that church when I walk down that aisle. :) Another funny thing, my aunt Jan grabbed my fiance' by the collar and basically threatened him, "If you hurt Jamie, you deal with me!" I think he knows if he ever hurts me, he's gonna have a huge angry mob after him! LMAO.
At the church, Mom wrote and read a beautiful eulogy- I know where I got my writing talent from. It described my Mommie perfectly. It was at the same church and cemetery my
In happier news, David and I like the church for our wedding next year (if all goes well with my surgery and recovery). Today was a hard
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
latest update. Remembering Mommie's birthday, the wake, and the funeral.
My grandmother, Ruby "mommie" Cormier died on Sunday, June 9, 2019; one day before her 89th birthday. I took it hard at first because I had been wanting to do a Youtube tag video with her, but I kept hurting a lot and couldn't get out there to do it with her, and now I can't do it because she is gone. I was also upset, because I had always planned for her to be present at my future wedding, when I got all my college degrees, to see me start my own career and chase my dreams, and maybe even eventually see me start a family; well now, she won't be around for any of those events, not physically anyway. I came to realize though, she is in a better place, she is no longer hurting or suffering from dementia or diabetes. She could truly start living a fun life again.
Yesterday, Monday, June 10, 2019, in honor of her birthday, a lot of the family went out to eat at Pizza Village (one place she loved to eat), Mom made a chocolate cake, and we shared lots of memories, laughter, and of course cake. We even sang "Happy Birthday," and the other patrons of the restaurant probably thought we were a bunch of weirdos. The younger kids, her great-grandkids, wanted to do a balloon release and so we "sent the balloons up to heaven."
Today, Tuesday, June 11, 2019, the "wake," at the funeral home was from 4-8 pm.with a rosary at 5 p.m. It really wasn't that hard on me today; sure, I got a little choked up during the rosary, but other than that, Again, we shared lots of memories and laughter between families and friends. My younger cousin, Hadley, (4 years old) kept "arresting" my dad and putting him in "han -cuffs." Adorable kids are always a good distraction from the pain of grieving.
Me: Hadley, you arresting uncle Ronald?
HK: Uh-huh
Me: you know that's my dad, right?
HK: *Looked worried I was gonna tell her to leave him alone*
Me: Good Job, Get him. Give me a high-five!
she just giggled and gave me "five"
(She's definitely come a long way since Easter two years ago when she would run away from me!lol )
More than likely tomorrow will be the real challenge when they close that casket and we have to leave her. I am gonna try to read what I wrote the other day in dedication to her when she first died... I might get choked up but I will try to do it.
I found an angel pin that I put on her to be buried with, and a picture of me, her, and David from Christmas 2017 when David and I first started dating. Also being buried are some other things to represent what she loved, animals and kids; a toy cat that supposed to represent "Socks" (her cat she had before she went in the nursing home), and some pictures of her, Hadley, and Hadley's older brother "Braylon". Those kids are young, but I hope they know how much their great-grandmother loved them as much as they loved her. <3<3
anyway , good night. Thoughts and prayers with the family for tomorrow is appreciated.
Yesterday, Monday, June 10, 2019, in honor of her birthday, a lot of the family went out to eat at Pizza Village (one place she loved to eat), Mom made a chocolate cake, and we shared lots of memories, laughter, and of course cake. We even sang "Happy Birthday," and the other patrons of the restaurant probably thought we were a bunch of weirdos. The younger kids, her great-grandkids, wanted to do a balloon release and so we "sent the balloons up to heaven."
Today, Tuesday, June 11, 2019, the "wake," at the funeral home was from 4-8 pm.
Me: Hadley, you arresting uncle Ronald?
HK: Uh-huh
Me: you know that's my dad, right?
HK: *Looked worried I was gonna tell her to leave him alone*
Me: Good Job, Get him. Give me a high-five!
(She's definitely come a long way since Easter two years ago when she would run away from me!
More than likely tomorrow will be the real challenge when they close that casket and we have to leave her. I am gonna try to read what I wrote the other day in dedication to her when she first died
I found an angel pin that I put on her to be buried with, and a picture of me, her, and David from Christmas 2017 when David and I first started dating. Also being buried are some other things to represent what she loved, animals and kids; a toy cat that supposed to represent "Socks" (her cat she had before she went in the nursing home), and some pictures of her, Hadley, and Hadley's older brother "Braylon". Those kids are young, but I hope they know how much their great-grandmother loved them as much as they loved her. <3<3
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Update on my grandmother; she passed away. Ode to my grandmother, Mommie
Yesterday, Mom called me and told me that "If I want to go say my final goodbyes to Mommie, I might want to go as soon as I could." David and I had plans already, but I had an emotional breakdown while at our plans, so we dropped everything and went to see Mommie. She was sedated on morphine, every so often it seemed like her chest would 'jump' as if struggling to breathe, her eyes were closed, but they told me she could hear me. I told her "I love you, Mommie. Dad, Mom, Jared, and I love you. David, my fiance loves you." There were other people in the room, so I just held her hand and thought the other things I wanted to tell her, hoping she could feel them telepathically. As I talked to her and said my silent prayers, holding her hand, she squeezed mine a little bit once or twice. David and I also visited with my aunts in the room about family things to kind of ease the tension a little bit. Mom texted me this morning and told me, Mommie had passed away this morning. Mom and my aunt seem to think, maybe she was holding on for me. maybe she was. I don't know.
After I found out about her death though, I was inspired to write something up; I may share it at the funeral, I may not. I will try, but I may breakdown half-way through it. Only one way to know for sure: Do it in fear. Fortitude! Only for you, Mommie. Love you.
We are here to remember the life of Ruby “Mommie” Cormier; Sister, Mother, Grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, and child of God. We are also here to remember the love we all shared for her and the fond memories we shared with her: those good memories are what will get us through this tough period as we say our final goodbyes to her Earthly form, but it is only a temporary goodbye; we all hope and pray to see her again when we leave this Earthly life.
My earliest memories of Mommie was about 2 or 3 years old, going almost every weekend when they lived in Lewisburg, Louisiana; she always had a Sippy cup of coffee milk waiting for me, and when Poppee would call me the pet name “Sack of Shit,” (which question, how is that a pet name; but go figure with those Cormiers) Mommie would always argue, “No poppee, she is a sack of sugar.”
I remember her and my nanny (Martha) accompanying us a few times to Shreveport when I was at Shriners Hospital for dr. appointments. When she moved to the apartments in Lafayette, I remember walking with her to the mailbox and along the way, she would “show me off,” to her neighbors and be all “This is my youngest granddaughter. She's my baby.” She would brag to anyone who would listen about that time when I was just an infant, “I couldn’t hold my bottle with my arms, so I held them with my feet.” As I got older, I got so “sick” of hearing that story and a little embarrassed when she would tell it to my friends, but I also knew that she was proud of me and had a deep love for me.
Mommie enjoyed many things: going to church, going to a rosary, doing bingo, going to the casino- for her 80th birthday, Mom even made her a cake that looked like a slot machine! She also loved her coffee and beignets. She sure enjoyed when we would take her to coffee depot in Scott, Louisiana for beignets and coffee; That was one of her “elements,” Coffee, beignets, and socializing with family and the waitresses at the restaurant who happened to know the family.
In 2012, when in St. Louis for Halo Traction, she came to spend a week with me. The first night she got turned around and I ended up having to walk her downstairs, to the parent housing side of the hospital. The whole walk she kept apologizing, but I was all “Mommie, it’s okay. The hospital is pretty confusing. I just learned it because I been here for almost 3 months.”
During 2016, when Trump was running election, which she was all “go trump,” and don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-Trump, I may not agree with everything he does but he is human, but anyway, we were talking and she must’ve just remembered Poppee’s last few good years because I heard stories in his younger days, he wasn’t that great of a person, but Mommee was all “If Poppee was still alive, he’d make a good president.” I swear, I nearly choked on my drink and did a spit-take when she said that. I think that was my first clue that she was starting to get dementia a little bit. But it was kind of good that she only remembered the good side of him too. She didn’t hold onto anger and hurt from the bad years. Or maybe she just forgave him, I don’t know. If it was just her forgiveness of all the hurt he had caused her in the past, then that is proof of the good person she was and I am almost definite she got her angel wings.
She also took in others besides her family; she took in Mom’s family- we often took her to family get-togethers at Moms family- she loved all the little kids and would love on them. She took in my friends as if her own grandkids and when they called her, “Mrs. Cormier,” she would correct them “No, it’s Mommie.” She would sit and have coffee with neighbors at her apartment complex, even those that had slight mental disabilities (one guy in particular, which I cannot remember his name at the moment.) She was also a huge animal lover, as proof of her playing with my dogs when she would come to visit, and she loved her cat, Socks; until Mommie had to go into the nursing home and we had to re-home Socks. She even took in my (now ex-boyfriend) when we were dating, and she even accepted my now-fiance’ David, who she loved to give lots of kisses on the cheek to, and he loved them back. She was a very sweet, loving lady, but boy if you got on her “shit list,” look out, she stood her ground. I guess that’s where I got that from! HAHA!
She was just an overall loving person and genuinely very happy until dementia started in and it affected her mood and perspective at times, but before dementia, she was a great model of what we should strive to live our lives as.
Sure, I had plans for her to be at future events: when I got married, got my bachelors/masters/ or whatever other college degrees, see me start my own career and chase my dreams, possibly see me have a family of my own; but sadly, life is never promised to pan out how we want, and sure, I will miss her being in attendance physically at these major events, but she will always be there in spirit and in my heart.
Bright side is I now have another angel, looking out for me. Love you, Mommie.
After I found out about her death though, I was inspired to write something up; I may share it at the funeral, I may not. I will try, but I may breakdown half-way through it. Only one way to know for sure: Do it in fear. Fortitude! Only for you, Mommie. Love you.
We are here to remember the life of Ruby “Mommie” Cormier; Sister, Mother, Grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, and child of God. We are also here to remember the love we all shared for her and the fond memories we shared with her: those good memories are what will get us through this tough period as we say our final goodbyes to her Earthly form, but it is only a temporary goodbye; we all hope and pray to see her again when we leave this Earthly life.
My earliest memories of Mommie was about 2 or 3 years old, going almost every weekend when they lived in Lewisburg, Louisiana; she always had a Sippy cup of coffee milk waiting for me, and when Poppee would call me the pet name “Sack of Shit,” (which question, how is that a pet name; but go figure with those Cormiers) Mommie would always argue, “No poppee, she is a sack of sugar.”
I remember her and my nanny (Martha) accompanying us a few times to Shreveport when I was at Shriners Hospital for dr. appointments. When she moved to the apartments in Lafayette, I remember walking with her to the mailbox and along the way, she would “show me off,” to her neighbors and be all “This is my youngest granddaughter. She's my baby.” She would brag to anyone who would listen about that time when I was just an infant, “I couldn’t hold my bottle with my arms, so I held them with my feet.” As I got older, I got so “sick” of hearing that story and a little embarrassed when she would tell it to my friends, but I also knew that she was proud of me and had a deep love for me.
Mommie enjoyed many things: going to church, going to a rosary, doing bingo, going to the casino- for her 80th birthday, Mom even made her a cake that looked like a slot machine! She also loved her coffee and beignets. She sure enjoyed when we would take her to coffee depot in Scott, Louisiana for beignets and coffee; That was one of her “elements,” Coffee, beignets, and socializing with family and the waitresses at the restaurant who happened to know the family.
In 2012, when in St. Louis for Halo Traction, she came to spend a week with me. The first night she got turned around and I ended up having to walk her downstairs, to the parent housing side of the hospital. The whole walk she kept apologizing, but I was all “Mommie, it’s okay. The hospital is pretty confusing. I just learned it because I been here for almost 3 months.”
During 2016, when Trump was running election, which she was all “go trump,” and don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-Trump, I may not agree with everything he does but he is human, but anyway, we were talking and she must’ve just remembered Poppee’s last few good years because I heard stories in his younger days, he wasn’t that great of a person, but Mommee was all “If Poppee was still alive, he’d make a good president.” I swear, I nearly choked on my drink and did a spit-take when she said that. I think that was my first clue that she was starting to get dementia a little bit. But it was kind of good that she only remembered the good side of him too. She didn’t hold onto anger and hurt from the bad years. Or maybe she just forgave him, I don’t know. If it was just her forgiveness of all the hurt he had caused her in the past, then that is proof of the good person she was and I am almost definite she got her angel wings.
She also took in others besides her family; she took in Mom’s family- we often took her to family get-togethers at Moms family- she loved all the little kids and would love on them. She took in my friends as if her own grandkids and when they called her, “Mrs. Cormier,” she would correct them “No, it’s Mommie.” She would sit and have coffee with neighbors at her apartment complex, even those that had slight mental disabilities (one guy in particular, which I cannot remember his name at the moment.) She was also a huge animal lover, as proof of her playing with my dogs when she would come to visit, and she loved her cat, Socks; until Mommie had to go into the nursing home and we had to re-home Socks. She even took in my (now ex-boyfriend) when we were dating, and she even accepted my now-fiance’ David, who she loved to give lots of kisses on the cheek to, and he loved them back. She was a very sweet, loving lady, but boy if you got on her “shit list,” look out, she stood her ground. I guess that’s where I got that from! HAHA!
She was just an overall loving person and genuinely very happy until dementia started in and it affected her mood and perspective at times, but before dementia, she was a great model of what we should strive to live our lives as.
Sure, I had plans for her to be at future events: when I got married, got my bachelors/masters/ or whatever other college degrees, see me start my own career and chase my dreams, possibly see me have a family of my own; but sadly, life is never promised to pan out how we want, and sure, I will miss her being in attendance physically at these major events, but she will always be there in spirit and in my heart.
Bright side is I now have another angel, looking out for me. Love you, Mommie.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
another sleepless night; chronic pain and tears.
A bad storm passed through Louisiana this week so it has been quite a bit of sleepless nights for me lately and then add in the dreaded once a month bullshit us females have to deal with, adding in stress, anxiety, hormones, emotional roller coaster, all that (sarcastic tone) "fun." Tonight, I tossed and turned for 2 hours while my fiance' just lays next to me snoring; sure, I could wake him up and make him suffer with me, but that is selfish plus he works to provide for us, so I guess he needs the sleep more than I do, but it sure would be nice to be able to talk these things out instead of blogging them.
I have a mattress that can elevate the head, it helps with migraines and sometimes my upper back (then I gotta deal with my lower back and hips hurting), but tonight my upper back is hurting and I am not even gonna use the head-elevation because lately it has been making my fiance' back hurt in the morning; which sent me down the dreaded "rabbit hole" of the uncertainty of a future together: What if I become bed-ridden, what if he has to help me with everything more than he does now? That isn't what he signed on for! It isn't fair to him. I know he made a commitment to me and he constantly reminds me of it anytime I start crying and freaking out about how much pain I am in and the fears that send into me about how uncertain my life and future are; I just don't want him to have regrets or resentments. I love him, I really do, but when these fears kick in, I go into flight mode and tend to push him away, thinking I was saving him from being stuck in a shaky future with me and my damn disability. How can I expect him to accept it and what it does to me if I can't even accept it completely myself?
If there was a pill created to make me "normal," like everyone else in society, I would take it! Even though I also feel like having my disability has made me a well-rounded, wise, empathetic, compassionate, supportive, loyal, passionate person. Does it make me a bad person? Why is it I can be a support system and cheerleader for others with disabilities but yet I can't even accept myself completely? Does it make me a hypocrite? Maybe it's just the pain talking; well the pain and the damn devil. I need to really work on myself and loving myself for me; whole-y and completely. Maybe after my surgery to fix my rods, maybe my pain will be better, and I can start being happy again. One can only hope.
I have a mattress that can elevate the head, it helps with migraines and sometimes my upper back (then I gotta deal with my lower back and hips hurting), but tonight my upper back is hurting and I am not even gonna use the head-elevation because lately it has been making my fiance' back hurt in the morning; which sent me down the dreaded "rabbit hole" of the uncertainty of a future together: What if I become bed-ridden, what if he has to help me with everything more than he does now? That isn't what he signed on for! It isn't fair to him. I know he made a commitment to me and he constantly reminds me of it anytime I start crying and freaking out about how much pain I am in and the fears that send into me about how uncertain my life and future are; I just don't want him to have regrets or resentments. I love him, I really do, but when these fears kick in, I go into flight mode and tend to push him away, thinking I was saving him from being stuck in a shaky future with me and my damn disability. How can I expect him to accept it and what it does to me if I can't even accept it completely myself?
If there was a pill created to make me "normal," like everyone else in society, I would take it! Even though I also feel like having my disability has made me a well-rounded, wise, empathetic, compassionate, supportive, loyal, passionate person. Does it make me a bad person? Why is it I can be a support system and cheerleader for others with disabilities but yet I can't even accept myself completely? Does it make me a hypocrite? Maybe it's just the pain talking; well the pain and the damn devil. I need to really work on myself and loving myself for me; whole-y and completely. Maybe after my surgery to fix my rods, maybe my pain will be better, and I can start being happy again. One can only hope.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Living in the past...Just me??
I can't be the only person that tends to dwell on the past, can I? okay , maybe not the only disabled person, but maybe I am? I don't know. I just know, I tend to stay in the past and try to recapture those memories and try to implement them now in the current present; however, it doesn't always work out.
Childhood was so much simpler; No responsibilities, friendships were easier to make and maintain, I wasn't in as much pain, my anxiety/OCD/depression wasn't bad until middle school/High School, I didn't try to fit in as much, I had a pretty good idea ofwho Jamie Elizabeth Cormier really was, and of course People I cared about weren't dying left and right. I had a wonderful childhood and lots of wonderful memories despite having my disabilities; sure, there was the occasional person that mistook me for a "monster" or would just stare/point (the bullying really didn't start until 4th grade). However, like all children, I took it for granted and couldn't "wait to grow up so that I could do what I wanted." Boy, who sold me that fairy tale and can I sue them?
Sure, as an adult, I can do some things I want like staying up all night, going out when I want(as long as I am not in college, not working, don't have previous plans, have the money to do it, and of course, not hurting.) I can drive (again, as long as I am not hurting and I do have the gas money.) I can drink legally(not a big drinker), buy cigarettes (but I don't smoke), buy a lotto ticket/scratch-off ticket or go to the casino (if I can afford such luxuries at the time.) But, in the same token as an adult, I also have bills (my choice for moving out with my fiance'), I have to make some tough decisions, I have college courses (my choice) or have to work. I have to handle my own medical stuff (paperwork, phone calls, etc). its a lot of responsibilities that causes my anxiety to go into overload and I end up having emotional meltdowns at least once a week.
However, there is always a silver lining: if I stayed in the past, I wouldn't have learned important life lessons (through mistakes, my experiences with bullying, fights with friends, failing classes,etc.) I wouldn't have my friends that I made as I got older (junior high, High School, College, my medical "journey" (st Louis, Missouri.) I wouldn't have my fiance' and wouldn't be planning for a wedding. I wouldn't have my associates degree in general studies and pursuing my bachelors and then further on to try to better advocate for myself and others with disabilities and special needs- teaching young adults with them to better live independently to the best of their abilities through life skills, modifications, adaptations, job skills, and helping them find jobs they are passionate about instead of just the jobs like Goodwill or Arc. That is my dream and with the right amount of willpower and determination, support from family/friends/and community, any dream can become a reality.
Childhood was so much simpler; No responsibilities, friendships were easier to make and maintain, I wasn't in as much pain, my anxiety/OCD/depression wasn't bad until middle school/High School, I didn't try to fit in as much, I had a pretty good idea of
Sure, as an adult, I can do some things I want like staying up all night, going out when I want(as long as I am not in college, not working, don't have previous plans, have the money to do it, and of course, not hurting.) I can drive (again, as long as I am not hurting and I do have the gas money.) I can drink legally(not a big drinker), buy cigarettes (but I don't smoke), buy a lotto ticket/scratch-off ticket or go to the casino (if I can afford such luxuries at the time.) But, in the same token as an adult, I also have bills (my choice for moving out with my fiance'), I have to make some tough decisions, I have college courses (my choice) or have to work. I have to handle my own medical stuff (paperwork, phone calls, etc). its a lot of responsibilities that causes my anxiety to go into overload and I end up having emotional meltdowns at least once a week.
However, there is always a silver lining: if I stayed in the past, I wouldn't have learned important life lessons (through mistakes, my experiences with bullying, fights with friends, failing classes,etc.) I wouldn't have my friends that I made as I got older (junior high, High School, College, my medical "journey" (st Louis, Missouri.) I wouldn't have my fiance' and wouldn't be planning for a wedding. I wouldn't have my associates degree in general studies and pursuing my bachelors and then further on to try to better advocate for myself and others with disabilities and special needs- teaching young adults with them to better live independently to the best of their abilities through life skills, modifications, adaptations, job skills, and helping them find jobs they are passionate about instead of just the jobs like Goodwill or Arc. That is my dream and with the right amount of willpower and determination, support from family/friends/and community, any dream can become a reality.
latest on my grandmother; it a little improvement :)
Today I got a text from Mom in concern with my grandmother, my "Mommie." She told me, " Catholic daughters went pray the rosary at the hospital for mommie this morning. She opened her eyes, recognized them & even prayed some of the rosaries with them. They moved her back to the nursing home this afternoon."
At least she is opening her eyes, recognized them, and even prayed some of the rosary with them." We aren't out of the woods yet, so prayers for our family is still appreciated. Thanks.
At least she is opening her eyes, recognized them, and even prayed some of the rosary with them." We aren't out of the woods yet, so prayers for our family is still appreciated. Thanks.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Found out more news on my grandmother. :'( Really not good.
A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. I know when hospice is called in, it is bad, but this just tore me up to the point where I am now debating whether I even want to go see her before she passes. I was talking to mom earlier today, talking about how if I could, I would have my wedding now so "Mommee" could be there for it, and she told me, "you haven't seen her; she cannot open her eyes or communicate."
I remember when I went to see my other grandma on the day before she died; sedated, unresponsive, eyes closed, her tongue had a greenish pale color to it, I knew she wasn't doing good and had a gut feeling that she wouldn't make it. However, instead of remembering just the good times when she looked happy and healthy, a lot of times, that was the image that haunted me even after her passing. I don't know if I can handle going through that again.
At the same time, I don't want any "regrets." So I am so conflicted right now :( I wish this wasn't happening.
I remember when I went to see my other grandma on the day before she died; sedated, unresponsive, eyes closed, her tongue had a greenish pale color to it, I knew she wasn't doing good and had a gut feeling that she wouldn't make it. However, instead of remembering just the good times when she looked happy and healthy, a lot of times, that was the image that haunted me even after her passing. I don't know if I can handle going through that again.
At the same time, I don't want any "regrets." So I am so conflicted right now :( I wish this wasn't happening.
beauty with a disability
On June 1, 2019, my cousin was getting married and it took 2 goodwill shops to find a silver sparkly dress that worked for me. It was flowy and not "fitted" or tight; it looked great on me.
The next thing to do was hair and makeup. It took me over an hour to get that done so I did it early because after doing all that, I tend to deplete my energy levels.
I will upload a Youtube video later after I get done editing.
The next thing to do was hair and makeup. It took me over an hour to get that done so I did it early because after doing all that, I tend to deplete my energy levels.
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