Monday, February 18, 2019


 So I was "in twitter jail, "suspended from Twitter, but I made a new account because they wouldn't restore my old one.

I won a free Mary Kay pampering session for me + 8 people (only 7 showed up- which some weren't even the people I invited, The ones I invited didn't show up, etc. Oh well, it was still fun! 

Then the last thing, I got a $1000 donation on my go-fund-me-page from the person who wrote the book, "Wonder" turns out she had spinal issues too! <3 

Other than that, same old story= PAIN! March 5 can't come fast enough

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

xrays and shreveport LSU E.R. Visit

my wound care doctor suggested going to ER at LSU med center in Shreveport to just have them look at my back and consult about the broken rods. Mostly a wasted trip..I knew the rods were broken and I was pretty sure they weren't gonna do any surgery on me; plus the doctor's name was "dr. Sin" LOL..Never trust a doctor with the name Sin! JK. I am sure he is a great doctor, but I already have my hopes set on Dr. Kelly in St Louis since he trained under Dr. Lenke (who originally did my surgery)

Superbowl 2023: So tired of Hypocrisy!

  Food for thought: Let me start this post by saying this: I did not watch the superbowl nor did I watch the halftime performance. I did how...